I fully understand the low death rate and overreacting of infected people.
But do you care if you or your family get it?
Personally I'm very afraid of it. Not cause of my death expectations (admittedly even at 1% I rather not pull the trigger on the 1/100 russian roulette if not needed)....
But im afraid of
1) spreading it to others (parents/coworkers included)
2) how others look at me. Had a few scares and exposures in my office. I see everyone looks at them differently after. If someone was confirmed, I'm afraid they would be socially condemned.
But this isn't about you or me or any other individual idiot. Its about society as a whole and jobs and businesses and schools that need to function. Let me help you make this better for you. Here are some pointers.
1- Stop being a chickenshit. The death rate is not 1%. Its not .1%. Its more like 0.001%. You have a better chance of winning the lottery. You have a better chance of dying of one of the million other things that can kill you. So grow a pair.
2- This was the word about the virus at the start. Stay 6 feet away and don't cough or sneeze on someone. Fair enough I've done that for over 3 months. No mask. That was only added later by commie libs who seem to be making this a moving target for political gain. I've been out every single day since March 15 and its worked like a charm. So I am living proof you don't need a chickenshit mask. I only wear it when the store mandates it and then I own a shield which I actually kind of like.
3- Do I care if my family gets it? Not even close. I have a 13 year old healthy as a horse who could shake it off without a problem. My wife is in the same boat. I don't hang out with old people and if you are old and vulnerable stay home if you are afraid. I know 2 people at the church across the street who got it. Both shook it off like any other common flu.
4- You have to understand an important point. People are idiots. So stop caring how they look at you. F them. Go about your life and business to the best of your ability and if people get a flu thats life. We have had a million different flus and we catch a half dozen of them every flu season.
5- I want to share our states numbers. 1200+ dead DUE TO COMPLICATIONS OF corona. 900+ are long term hospice. What does that leave running around the state? And how many millions are in our state? The average age of people dying in our state is 83. 80 FUCKIN 3! Do you now see how impossible it is for you to get or spread it?
6- The communist state has brainwashed sheep like you to the point of overreacted paranoia. You live in fear. You're better than that. Shake this shit off and be a man cuz when your number is up its up you don't really have a say in it.
I've got endless amount of more pointers for you but lets start with these and see how it goes for you.